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Running up to the fence and petting the horse along its muzzle 'How are you girl? You come to get me on my way home?' The thing neighed and shock its head, Rachel laughed and climbed over on its back and holds on to the mane then ride to the barn and house.

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As she walked along she than heard the familiar sound of hooves approach, looking over she saw a pale white horse and bright gold mane trotting along side the fence 'Angel!' She lived on a large horse farm owned by her father, many of the horses breed and raised there were frequently taken to race, used in movie and shows and other ranches. The path that lead to her home was quite long, a little over a mile and a half with only wooden fences on each side. Her hair shoulder length long blonde hair, bright green eyes and light skin.

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She wore a pair sneakers, blue jeans, green hoodie and dark blue beanie. Rachel walked down the dirt path in cool fall air on her way home from school.

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