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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Titania Marie Parker, better known as Tea, spent her life being the odd man out. Having spent her younger years suffering abuse for being autistic and ADHD while showing her sister up in everything from grades to talent, she came into the apocalypse ready to take on the world. She didn't expect the world to throw a certain redneck her way.

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Daryl Dixon, a hunter and survivor like her, wanted nothing to do with the little girl who threw herself into his world. Same title, just with 'smut' thrown at the Series Side story tie in now up.won't be updated as often as this, but it is pure, unadultered smut that tie into the chapters here pretty well.īut at the end of the world, can one really say no to love?įollow Daryl and Tea on their adventures through the apocalypse and see if their relationship can stand the test of time, walkers, people, and Daryl and Tea themselves.

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